Friday, March 7, 2025

Shepherd's Winter, No Revenge, Episode 32

This is the thirtieth episode of the novel Shepherd's First Winter. It is available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle 


Nor Revenge

Days were becoming longer, nights still bitter cold, and loneliness was not so bad. Shepherds thoughts were dominated by Nan, a radio station for the valley, and Amarok.

Traps mind seemed to be elsewhere, mating, with the pack, hunting, killing, and eating. Pals mind seemed to be on guarding the camp, playing, and wondering what it might be like to have Traps instincts.

A day came, near the end of the harsh winter. It was the day Shepherd wished would never happen. It was an average day filled with the usual chores and playtimes with Pal and Trap.

At the end of the day, the suns glow could still be seen like a fire in another room. Pal and Trap became restless and stood by the door begging to be let out. Shepherd let them out and they stood on the porch looking to the west beyond the meadow and into the woods.

Shepherd went back inside, slung on his parka, and grabbed his rifle.

He stepped onto the porch. Pal and Trap sprung toward the open meadow. They leaped and sprinted through the snow like chasing a rabbit. Shepherd saw a large imposing figure in the meadow. It slowly moved toward the cabin. He heard Pal and Trap growl angrily. They circled it like stocking a kill. The figure dropped a huge bear-like covering. Shepherd ran towards it. The figure hoisted a rifle to its shoulder and fired one round at Pal. Trap charged furiously and pounced on the figure.

Trap!” Shepherd bellowed. Stop! Heel!”

Trap retreated to Shepherds side. He walked over to Pal laying in the snow.

Blood oozed from a wound in Pals chest. He lifted his head and forced a whimper.

Shepherd laid beside Pal and stroked his head. His instincts felt death was near. Does it hurt, boy? It will be over ole Pal. I love you, ole Pal. Just sleep for me, just sleep.”

Pal moved his head close to Shepherds. Pal licked his forehead. His head dropped.

Shepherd let out a terrible cry and Trap howled like he was the last wolf remaining on earth.

Shepherd grabbed his rifle and held it to the mysterious figure that shot Pal. Shepherds eyes widened in surprise - it was Dennis.

You killed my dog,” Shepherd said. He aimed the rifle at Dennis.

No, no,” Dennis begged and fell to his knees. Please dont kill me. I will get you another dog.”

There is no other dog,” Shepherd said.

You will go to prison,” Dennis said.

On whose word, Traps?” Shepherd said. You came out here to kill me or frighten me away with the Amarok stuff, we fought, you and Pal lost. Score one for you and score one for me.”

Dear god, please, no,” Dennis cried.

Shepherd aimed. One to the head. You wont know it. Thats all the pity I can give you.”

Shepherd was about to squeeze the trigger and Trap latched on to the barrel of the rifle with his teeth and pulled it away.

Shepherd fell to his knees and cried profusely.

Shepherd,” Dennis said. Im sorry.”

Just go,” Shepherd said. Leave before either me or Trap has a change of heart.”

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Shepherd's First Winter; Nan, Episode 31

This is the thirtieth episode of the novel Shepherd's First Winter. It is available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle 



Shepherd pressed his lips tight.

You said some things,” Daniel said. Amarok was one thing.”

Perhaps what I will say now will end our friendship or at least distance it,” Shepherd said.

You have thought long about this?Daniel said.

Yes,” Shepherd said.

Friends can overcome many adversities,” Daniel said.

It is Nan,” Shepherd said.

Daniel stiffened his jaw and raised his chin. He appeared suspicious.

You and her mother know her best,” Shepherd said. When you see her look at me does she see a brother, an uncle, or another man?”

You have learned to set your words like traps,” Daniel said. They are well placed.”

It is a delicate thing in a strange land,” Shepherd said. Im not used to your ways.”

Her mother and I have spent many hours talking about her future,” Daniel said. We have talked to her about what kind of man she should settle with. She has never shown any interest in the men around here. All of her friends are married and have children. Many boys come around. Her mother tells her calves are easy to find. The bulls are deep among the trees.”

Shepherd paused to reflect; quickly as if calculating a stock transaction.

Your question seems to indicate there is something else that troubles you,” Daniel said.

I am thirty and she is twenty,” Shepherd said. And you are forty. We are friends.”

The only ones it should matter is you and Nan,” Daniel said.

Shepherd drew a slow deep breath.

Can you be happy here?” Daniel said.

Nan or not this is now my home,” Shepherd said.

Nan or not you and I will always be friends,” Daniel said.

I will give some time and thought,” Shepherd said. I wanted to be certain where I stood.”

If you are asking for permission,” Daniel said, you have it.”

I will do nothing to hurt her,” Shepherd said.

I believe you are an honorable man,” Daniel said. Think long and hard, my friend. You come from two different worlds.”

I am aware and not blind to it,” Shepherd said, That is why I wanted to speak with you first and I will never hurry Nan. And if she does not feel the same way that will be the end of the matter.”

Her mother tells me she says much about you. It is Nan that will have to be slowed down.” Daniel said.

Daniel stood. He walked to a kitchen cabinet. He returned to the dining room table with two glasses and a bottle of Crown Royal.

After a drink Shepherd traveled back to the cabin so lost in thought he drove past the place in the stream bed where he usually turned to emerge into the meadow.

Monday, March 3, 2025

Shepherd's First Winter: Amarok Again, Episode 30

This is the thirtieth episode of the novel Shepherd's First Winter. It is available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle 


Amarok Again

The next day, ice fog settled into the valley. Crystals of diamond dust seemed to fall from the sky like magical powder. It was a peculiar and inspiring scene. Shepherd wrestled with Pal and Trap in the snow. Later he filled their dishes and commanded Pal and Trap to stay at the cabin. He started his snow machine and drove toward Daniels.

Daniel greeted Shepherd from the porch as he stopped the engine.

How are you, Shepherd?” Daniel said warmly and held out his hand.

Shepherd shook his hand and smiled. Im doing well. I wanted to get away from the cabin today.”

How is your family?” Shepherd said.

They are fine,” Daniel said. They went into Ruby to pick up some supplies. I told them I would do it, but I think they wanted to get away from me for a while.”

I cant imagine that,” Shepherd chided, but Im glad they arent here there are some things on my mind and I wanted to talk to you privately.”

Sure, Shepherd,” Daniel said. This sounds serious. Lets step inside and talk over some coffee or if you like tea.”

Coffee will be fine,” Shepherd said.

Daniel brewed the coffee and they sat comfortably at the dining room table.

What is it, Shepherd?” Daniel said.

Amarok,” Shepherd said. Who is it?”

Daniel smiled painfully. There is a code, Shepherd; things we dontspeak about unless among our kind.”

Daniel,” Shepherd said. I have risked my life for you, I have put meat on your table, we have shared each others hospitality, you have given me a fine dog as a gift, I have carved a home in a godforsaken wilderness, and tamed a wolf, dont tell me Im not your kind.”

Daniel smiled proudly. Yes, I knew from the moment I saw you, I knew. Amarok is our version of the KKK. There are a few, a tiny few, who want to scare you away.”

Thanks, Daniel,” Shepherd said. I dont have to know who they are; I just know not to shoot.”

Like we have said before, my friend,” Daniel said. Frightened men, thats all. In time they will tire.”

But what about killing dogs?” Shepherd said.

It is a warning to others,” Daniel smiled slowly. Our ways are strange to some. They kill my dog and then they kill one of theirs. That way there is no revenge. They take care of it themselves. Once we start running short of dogs, its over.”

Thats good to know these things,” Shepherd said.

But you never heard it from me,” Daniel said.

Shepherd sipped his coffee.

What else did you want to talk about?” Daniel said.